Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tabata Workout #1

So those of you who know me, know that I LOVE HIIT. They're quick, super effective, burn fat and are a great cardio workout. My favorite HIIT are Tabata's!

Quick History Lesson: "If you do not know what Tabata is, I’ll explain a little bit about it. Tabata was founded in Japan by Izumi Tabata. He conducted tests on two groups of athletes; comparing moderate high intensity training with high intensity interval training.

The results were that the athletes training in high intensity interval training improved their aerobic systems as well as their anaerobic system. The athletes who did the moderate high intensity training only improved their aerobic system and had little to no increase in their anaerobic system." (stolen from this website)

Essentially when you do a tabata you do 20 seconds of intense training (as hard as you can) and then 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds.

Tabata Workout #1

I'll try and post various Tabata workouts that I come across or find particularly helpful. This one is inspired from a CrossFit workout (which I'm trying to get into). The reason I like this particular one is because it targets EVERY major muscle group, legs, chest, tris, abs and back. What you're going to do is

4 rounds of squats – 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds rest between each round
4 rounds of pushups – 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds rest between each round
4 rounds of sit ups – 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds rest between each round
4 rounds of pull ups – 20 seconds per round and 10 seconds rest between each round

in CrossFit it's called "Tabata This" and they do 8 rounds so if you want to try the CrossFit version, be my guest!

NOTE: if you don't have a way to do pull ups, substitute something else like jump rope, mountain climbers, high knees, etc.

So get off your chair and go try it out! Let me know if you like it :D

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